Peres’ disappearing act

During his recent visit to Argentina, the Israeli president Shimon Peres prophesized that “the people of Venezuela and Iran will make their leaders disappear before long”. The Venezuelan foreign minister Nicolas Madura took this as a threat from Israeli Mossad to Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. He called Peres’ remarks “a direct threat to the life and safety of Chavez and Ahmadinejad”. Now just imagine for a moment if Ahmadinejad had predicted the “disappearance” of Benjamin Netanyanhu (Bibi) how the entire ‘Western Civilization’ would have fallen over the Muslim world!

Hugo Chavez during Dr. Ahmadinejad’s recent visit to Venezuela did respond to Zionist Messiah’s prophecy by branding Israel “a murderous arm of the US”. I believe Hugo Chavez’s statement only touches the top of the Zionist iceberg. YES, the Zionist regime, directly or indirectly, has tested the destructive nature of Pentagon’s new arms on Palestinian, Lebanese, Sudanese, Ugandans, etc. – but calling Zionist regime only an ‘undertaker’ for the US – is a huge insult to the Zionists, the Jews and all those ‘Islamophobes’ sitting in the cart driven by the Jewish money. When it comes to the national, foreign and financial policies – it’s Israel which wag American tail and not the other way around.

Some of the reader may remember former prime minister Ariel Sharon telling his foreign minister Shimon Peres (current president) the truth: “I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people, control America, and the American know it,” reported on Kol Yisrael Radio, October 3, 2001.

 Just after 9/11, a group of US Congressmen visited Palestine and one of them, Shelley Berkley (D. Nevada) made headlines. She told PA minister, Saeb Erakat: “This OUR country, we won the war. If the Palestinians do not like living under Jewish rule, I would not prevent them leaving.”

The latest joke comes from Bibi, who like his buddy in the White House, might receive the next years’ Nobel Peace Prize while preparing ground for more wars. The Nobel Committee’s citing would be: “Today, my cabinet authorized a policy of restrain regarding (illegal Jewish) settlements which would include a suspension of NEW permits and NEW constructions in Judea and Samaria (the con-man meant the West Bank, but not in the Arab East Jerusalem) for a period of ten months.” Mary Rizzo’s comments on this peace-loving statement are worth reading.

Gilad Atzmon summed -up the future for the Zionist state of Israel: “The window of opportunity is closing down. The disclosure of Israeli barbarism together with the exposure of its relentless lobbies around the world makes it very clear. Israel is not just night unto the nations it is actually a total nightmare and embarrassment to humanity and humanism”.

Anyone who has watched Amy Goodman (daughter of radical Jewish parents), US journalist, anti-war activist and host of Democracy Now! – would tell you that she doesn’t talk about sports. However, she was detained for 90 minutes at the US-Canadian border on her way to give a speech in Vancouver Wednesday (See the video below). She was in Canada to promote her book Breaking the Sound Barrier. Canada Border Services Agency Officers wanted to make sure she would not be talking about the Olympics games in Vancouver. Any thought on the real reason (after watching Amy Goodman taking on an ‘Islamophobe’ Heidi Harris in the video below)?

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