Pakistan – the next ‘Rogue State’

Pakistan has been a target of Zionists’ war on Islam even before the plantation of Zionist entity in the heartland of Islam – the Middle East. Ben Gurion always considered Pakistan as sovereign state and its nuclear program as grave threat to the very existance of Israel. Israel is suspected of being involved in the assassinations of Pakistan’s first prime minister Liaquat Ali Khan, Pakistan’s military dictator Gen. Zia-ul-Haq and former prime minister Benazir Bhutto. Israel also played the part in Mumbai and several other false flag terrorist operations which were pinned on Pakistan. Pakistan Army found conclusive proof of US-Israel-India training and arming the Al-Qaeda insurgents in Swat Valley.

With the help of Zionist-controlled mainstream media – Israel had been able to blame its false-flag operations on its enemies especially the Muslims around the world. However, lately, the deceptive behaviour of the West’s “poor little Israel surrounded by enemies” is being exposed – suprisingly by the western intellectuals. The recent two terrorist activities on American soil – the Christmas Eve bomber and the Times Square bomb – are the latest acts of Israeli terrorism against the very nation which has financed the Zionist entity with more than US$3000 billion since 1970s. While the Christmas Eve bomber gave Senator Joe Lieberman to ask Barack Obama to invade Yemen – the Times Square bomb was pinned on Taliban in Pakistan by two so-called ‘intelligence sources’ – S.I.T.E. and IntelCenter, both made in Israel. S.I.T.E. co-founder and director, Rita Katz, is an Iraqi-born Jewess whose father was executed by Iraqi government for being member of Israeli Mossad. She graduated from Tel Aviv University and speaks both Hebrew and Arabic fluently. She emigrated to the US in 1997. She has admitted receiving US$130,000 from FBI as a ‘consultant’. IntelCenter, which supplies Bin Laden tapes to US government – is owned and run by a Zionist Jew by the name Ben Venzke and the group is an offshoot of INDEFENSE which was staffed by senior PSYOP officer Jim Meinick who worked for Donald Rumsfeld. The group allegedly receives the Jihad video directly from Mossad HQ in Herzilya (Israel).

How easy it would be for the Zionist entity with its moles placed in most sensitive places in America – to carry out a nuclear attack inside the US – one just have to remember how in 1965, 587 pounds of highly enriched uranium missing from NUMEC ended up in Israel. “If, as Benjamin Netanyahu admitted, 9/11 was “very good” for Israel, a nuclear 9/11 might be even better. As the spellbinding effects of that traumatic event nine years ago have begun to wear off, and with Americans increasingly questioning the costs of a one-sided alliance, it may even be considered necessary – and the country blamed would be either Iran or Pakistan,” – Maidh O Cathail in The Next 9/11 – Made in Israel?

Jeff Gates in May 3, 2010 article, titled Is Pakistan the Next Evil Doer? wrote: “Was this (Times Square) a genuine terrorist event? Or was this an agent provocateur operation meant to freshen up a stale storyline: the Global War on Terrorism? Remember the “Christmas Day Bomber”? Were you surprised to find that “significant terrorist event” was an Israeli operation?”

We Americans are not known for our fluency in geography. But we know Pakistan is a neighbor of Iran who—we are constantly assured – is a certified Evil Doer and habitual Holocaust Denier with an agenda of nuclear terrorism. To punish a genuine Evil Doer would require that we hang those who fabricated the intelligence that induced us to war in Iraq on false pretenses. To indict and prosecute those Evil Doers would also help restore U.S. national security. Dispatching more Americans to kill more Muslims seems unlikely to achieve that goal. To convict and execute genuine Evil Doers requires that we do what the 911 Commission members implied: open a new investigation. Americans don’t yet know how this significant terrorist event succeeded. Nor do we know bywhom it was orchestrated. Or why…….. Those with a grip on reality will not be surprised if a good faith investigation uncovers the same transnational network of operatives as we found in the Crotch Bomber incident. We may find the same operatives at work in the shadows of this latest event.

One possibility is that this event was the work of the only nation with the requisite means, motivation and opportunity—plus the stable intelligence network – required to stage events such the Crotch Bomber attack and others too numerous to list. That nation is not Pakistan. Nor is it Syria. Nor is Iran a possibility. However, don’t be surprised if someone uncovers an evidentiary trail pointing to Hezbollah and the Evil Doers of Iran. Or Pakistan.

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