26/11 – Jews fighting over Chabad House

“The RSS and Mossad are responsible. They killed Hemant Karkare (Mumbai ATS Chief) to send a message that you cannot investigate the Mossad-RSS angle,” – Gautam Adhikari

“Several Jihadi groups in Pakistan, Afghanistan and the Middle East are still remote controlled by either Mossad or the CIA. In a recent case, a Muslim ‘Jihadi’ organization in Yemen (attack on USS Cole) was found to be a Mossad set-up. That’s why it is possible that the several young men who attacked Mumbai, used Pakistan as a base. But their nationality is varied. Some might be Muslims from the UK as well; at least there is one with a Mauritius passport,” Amaresh Misra, November 29, 2008.

Today, two years ago – India’s Bollywood city, Mumbai, was scene of terrorist attacks which resulted the death of 170 Indian citizen and seven Israelis inside the Nariman House (Chabad House), a popular stop for Israeli ‘tourists’ which was run by Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg. The Rabbi along with his wife were killed while their 2-year-old son, Moshe Holtzberg, was ‘smuggled’ out to safety. Several local and foreign intelligence agencies and Indian reporters believe that the Chabad House acted as the ‘control room’ for the terrorist rampage.

Six months ago, Gavriel Holtzberg, father of the slain Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg, started to renovate the damaged Chabad House in the memory of his son – using his own funds without the permission from the Chabad Lubavitch, a New York-based Orthodox Jewish group that runs Chabad Houses across the world.

On a petition by Chabad Lubavitch, the Mumbai High Court has halted the renovation and taken the possession of the building. In the petition Chabad claimed that the renovation being carried out by the Rabbi’s family was unsafe and lacked the necessary permits.

The suit was filed against Eliran Russo, a businessman who says he has power of attorney in India for Nachman Holtzberg. Holzberg is a member of the trust that controls the building, and under that authority Russo embarked on the broader construction efforts, which he maintains are safe and legal. He said he used family funds as well as other donations.

According to Nachman Holtzberg’s lawyer – The title to the property lies with the Chabad of India Trust, which Gavriel Holtzberg helped set up in 2005, two years after he came to Mumbai to serve as rabbi. However, Chabad’s Seligson dismissed that argument, saying Kantor, the Chabad director in Thailand, has been a member of the trust since its inception. He added that Kantor had also appointed the Holtzmans to serve in Mumbai and was their boss. Moreover, Chabad Lubavitch says its headquarters in Brooklyn, N.Y. paid for the building’s purchase.

The Indian press has alleged that Chabad has misappropriated US$1.5 million raised for the renovation of Chabad House – which is peanuts as compared to the 17 American Jewish officials arrested for stealing $42 million from Holocaust funds paid by Germany reported early this month.

And you’re going to laugh on this one. According to the New York Post , the family of Gavriel and Rivkah Holtzberg is sueing Pakistan’s intelligence agency (ISI) for supporting the ‘terrorists’. The wrongful death suit filed in a federal court in Brooklyn, N.Y., by Gavriel Holtzberg’s father, Rabbi Nachman Holtzberg of Israel, on behalf of the family also names the Lashkar-E-Taiba. Doesn’t the story reminds you of William Shakespeare’s epic novel The Merchant of Venice?

In the end – no matter on which side the Holy Cow decide to sit – the Jewish ‘cock-fight’ will provide new propaganda opportunity to the Zionist/Hindutva to blame its common enemy – Pakistan.

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