Lobby: ‘Turkey turning into Islamic state’

“Those who argue that Turkey will become an Islamic state under the rule of the AKP point to increasing religiosity in Turkey. Religion is on the rise globally and Turkey is not an exception. Studies conducted by prominent scholars suggest that the percentage of Turks who consider themselves “very religious” rose considerably but support for a sharia-based government has declined sharply in the last decade,” says Dr. Gonul Toi, executive director of the Center for Turkish Studies at the Middle East Institute, a Washington DC-based pro-Israel Zionist think tank.

Former Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert had accused Turkisk ruling party AKP and its leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan for – turning Turkey into an Iranian-style ‘Islamic State’.

Such streotyping of AKP’s Islamic roots remind me of the East European horror story of ‘Turks are coming, Turks are coming…’ which were used by Judeo-Christian mothers to scare their children. Historically, the present-day Turkey never existed before 1923 when it was established by the Crypto-Jewish Gen. Mustafa Kemal Pasha on the ruins of the Ottoman Khilafat, which itself was a hereditary monarchy, a form of governance totally against the Islamic Shari’ah. In other words, Turks living outside their heartland, the Central Asia had never established an ‘Islamic State’ or even a ‘theocracy’ of Iranian-style. Interestingly, the great majority of western Jews occupying Palestine, too, are Khazarian Turks, who converted to Judaism one thousand years ago. More information of Turkey can be found here.

On December 13, 2010 – Jewish organ, Hoover Institute journal, Defining Ideas, lamented: “For centuries, Islam and the West have been competing to define Turkish identity. Turkey was founded as a secular republic, but Islam has always played a significant role in state and society. Today, Turkey seems to be embracing Islamism over secularism”.

Another Zionist propagandist, CNSNews, dished its ‘Iranophobia’ on March 9, 2010, saying: “Under Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP) ally, Gul (Turkey’s President Abdullah Gul), Turkey’s policies regarding Iran are increasingly at odds with those of Washington. Turkish and Iranian leaders have paid reciprocal visits and Erdogan has referred to Ahmadinejad as his “friend.”

In a recent survey, more than one-third of Turkish citizen approved Ankara’s independent foreign policy and said that they, unlike, the US and the West, are not worried even if Islamic Republic becomes a nuclear power; that their values are much different than the values of (Judeo-Christian) West and they don’t agre with the notion that Turkey’s joining EU would be “a good thing” for Turkey.

The pro-Israel Jewish lobby groups are bombarding the ordinary American Joe with fear of AKP’s ‘Islamic agenda (just like Ben Obama’s Islamic agenda)’; Ankara’s reaching out to Tehran, Damascus, Gaza and Beirut while criticizing some of Israel’s neozazi actions – as drifting away from the West.

Turkish columnist, Sahin Alpay, wrote in the ‘Today’s Zaman’ on October 18, 2010:

“If being part of the West means sharing the values of Christian or Judeo-Christian civilization, Turkey (despite its highly authoritarian form of secularism) with its mostly devout Muslim population has never been a part of the West. If being part of the West means unconditionally subscribing to policies pursued by the Western alliance, the US or the EU, and unconditionally supporting the policies of Israeli governments, Turkey has really never been a part of the West and under the AKP government has clearly moved away from the West by pursuing a more independent and multi-dimensional foreign policy. If being part of the West means pursuing a foreign policy based on the use of military force, on militaristic principles, Turkey under the AKP government has certainly drifted away”.

Iranian President, Dr. Mahmud Ahmadinejad, was in Istanbul on Thursday to attend the 11th ECO Summit. He also held meetings with Turkish President Erdogan and Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari. In a press conference afterwards he said: “Tehran currently enjoys good and close relations with countries in the Middle East region as well as the world…The culture of Iranian and Turkish nations maintains the capacity to clearly and efficiently meet the contemporary needs of mankind…. Sanctions have no effect on Iran’s programs….. I have repeatedly said and now too say explicitly that capitalists cannot solve the world problems. If they are really true and claim to be right, they could solve problems in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan….”

One response to “Lobby: ‘Turkey turning into Islamic state’

  1. It is a known fact that the majority of people in Turkey are Sunni Muslims, so it is quit possible for Turkey to become an Islamic State.

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