Obama hails Poland as ‘democratic model’ for ME

For decades, Washington had been telling the Muslim world to adopt ‘moderate Muslim’ Turkey as their role model. Now being disgraced in the eyes of Jewish Lobby for pursuing a policy for its national interests in the region – Washington has dropped Ankara in favor of Warsaw.

In late May 2011 – Barack Obama ended his six-day yatra of European capitals by paying respect at Warsaw Ghetto, to please US Jewish Lobby for his re-election in 2012. His visit reminded me of Zionist Jew historian Chaim Kaplan, who kept a diary during the Warsaw ghetto uprising, in which he made this entry: “Every nation, in its time of misfortune, has conspirators who do their work in secret. In our case an entire nation has been raised on conspiracy. With others the conspiracy is political; with us it is religious and national”.

At the Warsaw Ghetto ceremony, Obama assured Jews that he will never abandon Israel. “The United States will be there for Israel,” he said.

On May 28, Obama declared in Warsaw: “We want to encourage the nations of the Midle-East and North Africa are struggling for transition towards democracy – especially in Egypt and Tunisia – to benefit from the Polish model.” Only some stupid will agree with him because Poland is not a Muslim-majority nation like Egypt and Tunisia plus Poland is part of Europe and not the Middle East.

Incidently, Lech Walesa , the Polish hero, refused to meet Obama even though urged by Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski and the Jewish US ambassador to Poland Lee Feinstein.

On July 10, President Bronislaw Komorowski, renewed Polish official policy of asking Jewish forgiveness for Polish Catholics’s murder of 300 Jews at Jedwabne in 1941. Interestingly, UK’s pro-Israel Prime Minister David Cameron’s MEP in European Union, Michal Kaminski, in 2001 had called such apology an insult to Polish people. Since then, Michal has been chased as ‘anti-Semitic’ by British Zionist mafia.

Last year, President Bronislaw Komorowski, visited Holocaust Museum in Washington and had boasted that his family provided shelter to Jews during Nazi occupation of Poland.

Presently, 5,000 to 10,000 Jews live in Poland with a population at 38 million. The Museum of the History of Polish Jewry in Warsaw was built with $26 million donated by Warsaw city and Polish government.

Islam came to Poland over 600 years ago, but is still misunderstood in this Catholic majority country. Muslim population in Poland is estimated at 30,000. On June 6, 2011 – Turkish President Abdullah Gul in his speech delivered at Natolin College of Europe reminded the audience of long Turkish-Polish relations based on mutual respect. He also said that Ottoman Turkey was the only country which never accepted the division of Poland in the past. Turkey is home to largest Polish community in the Muslim world, many of them had converted to Islam. Mehmet Iskender aka Antoni Aleksander (1814-1861) was a Polish General of Ottoman Army.

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