Alan Sabrosky: ‘Israel did 9/11’

What we know is that they (Israelis) are said to have 2 (nuclear bombs) in the US which they are ready to blame on Iran or Pakistan, ” Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Veterans Today, July 17, 2011.

In order to keep the paranoid neozion labeling Dr. Alan Sabrosky an ‘anti-Semitic’ – he, too, like former secretary of state Madeleine Albright, Sen. John Kerry, Richard Falk, has Jewish family background.

Dr. Alan Sabrosky PhD (University of Michigan), is the former Director of Studies of the Strategic Studies Institute of the US Army War College. He has authored several books and had written over 130 articles. Recently he gave interviews to RT, Press TV and Kevin Barrett radio talkshow about Israel’s involvement in September 11, 2001 tragedy.

A few days ago, Alan Sabrosky was interviewed by Susan Modaress host of ‘The Autograph’ at Iran’s Press TV.

Dr. Sabrosky says that two weeks after 9/11 he began suspecting the official story of 9/11 and the so-called 19 Arab hijackers who had been running around in the US with no skill in flying planes – could have pulled such a sophisticated plot. Al-Qaeda or any Arab country did not have the technology or connections in the Pentagon to blow-up WTC buildings. And What about WTC7 which fell to its foundation in seven seconds though not hit by any of those hijacked planes.

Five Israelis were arrested for dancing, taking pictures and giving hi-5 right in front of the ‘Ground Zero’. Later a vane loaded with dynamite was founded in the neighborhood of ‘Ground Zero’. The vane belonged to a subsidary of an Israeli company.

Sabrosky says that Americans were told that Muslims did 9/11 to avevenge America’s support for Israel but that is a negative reason while Israel had a positive reason to carry out this terrorist attack. Even they talked about creating a new Pearl Harbour to bring US on Israel’s side in war against Muslim world.

Sabrosky says that neocons (mostly Jewish) have pushed US into war with Afghanistan, Iraq and now pushing US to start a new war with Iran – all for the benefit of Israel…. Learn more of Sabrosky’s views on 9/11 by watching the video below.

An finally, Alan Sabrosky in his own words: “Having only one Jewish grandparent makes me pretty much an outsider, at least for the Orthodox, although guaranteed of an early ride to Bergen-Belsen had I lived ‘there and then.’ But an outside identity, Jewish or other, has never meant much at all to me. I’m an American, and ancestry is something I reserve for odd tastes in cuisine (I do love overstuffed dumplings) and the like. I find it both surprising (a little) and disturbing (a lot) when I look at the Middle East to realize that an awful lot of American Jews do not think of themselves as Americans who happen to be Jewish, but as Jews who happen to be living in America, and that as de facto unregistered agents of a foreign government they have caused enormous damage to America at home and abroad, and brought an enormous amount of death and suffering to a lot of people across the region who simply happened to be in Israel’s way.”

Do we take Sabrosky seriously because he is a Marine or a Jew? Do we wonder why the things he says reach so few? Is American in a shooting war where our biggest enemy sits behind us, killing us off, robbing us blind and whispering gently in our ears how much they love us?

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