IOF: ‘Be prepared to kill Palestinian youth’

Israel’s every Jewish citizen becomes a combatant by the time he/she reaches the age of 18 by Israeli law. However, currently, the Israel Occupation Force (IOF) is further arming and training the illegal Jewish settlers in the West Bank to provide first defense-line to IOF during the possible non-violent protests by Palestinians after the unilateral declaration of a separate Palestine state based on pre-1967 borders.

Zionist regime loves giving ‘code name’ to its wars against ill-equipped enemies. The fully-armed settler thugs’ expected firing at the non-violent Muslim-Christian protesters has been designated ‘Operation Summer Seeds‘. The IOF is in the process of putting final touches to the operation to prepare Jewish soldiers for September and possible confrontation with Palestinians following the expected vote in favor of Palestinian statehood at United Nations General Assembly. Mahmoud Abbas needs two-third of 192 members of the UN to achieve statehood, which Washington has threatened to veto in the UN Security Council.

According to daily Ha’aretz – Jewish military has decided to establish a “red line” for each settlement in the West Bank, which will determine when IOF soldiers will be ordered to shoot at the Palestinian protesters if they crossed that line.

As part of the preparation, IOF is investing a great deal of effort in preparing the settlers for the confrontation with the native Muslims and Christians, for which settlers have always found some excuse.

Hamas, Hizbullah and Tehran are not in favor of a Palestinian statehood on 20% of the Holy Land. They believe it’s USrali plan to devoid Palestinians’ of their lawful right to recover the entire pre-1948 Palestine.

The US Palestinian Community Network has appealed to all Palestinian and Arab community associations, societies and committees, student organizations and friends of Palestinian people to reject Mahmoud Abbas’ statehood plan as a distraction that unjustifiably and irresponsibly endangers Palestinian rights and institutions.

As has been recently revealed, this initiative in no way protects nor advances our inalienable, and internationally recognized, rights—fundamental of which are our right to return to the homes and properties from which we were forcibly expelled, our right to self-determination, and our right to resist the settler colonial regime that has occupied our land for more than 63 years. The Palestinian people, wherever they are, hold these rights. They are non-negotiable. No one can barter them away for false promises of “peace” and “stability.” The cynical irony of turning a UN resolution enshrining our right to return under international law (UNGA Res. 194) into a rhetorical ploy should give anyone pause.  That it is being advanced at a time when the PA does not even have the political mandate of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza through Palestinian Legislative Council elections must also give us pause.

Our inalienable rights give us the foundational principles with which we seek liberation and return. When these two things are achieved, it is then that we will achieve independence. Not before, and not without the mandate of the entirety of the Palestinian people. Indeed, it is in struggle and the emboldening of our emancipatory spirit that we free ourselves. Resistance is our first independence.

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