Cameron: ‘Britain is a Christian nation’

British prime minister, David Cameron, speaking at an event marking the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible, said that Britain is a Christian nation and should not be afraid of standing up to Christian values to counter the country’s “moral collapse”. He claimed that religious tolerance have helped fuel the London riots in August and home-grown Islamic extremists. Cameron, however, avoided to mention home-grown Judeo-Christian terrorist organizations like English Defence League (EDL). EDL’s leader Tommy Robinson, an accused Nazi, declared in July that his organization was built on support for Israel.

David Cameron, who is proud of his Jewish family roots – also ignored to admit that 80% of his Tory MPs are members of ‘Conservative Friends of Israel’.

The Bible has helped to give Britain a set of values and morals which make Britain what it is today. Values and morals we should actively stand up and defend. The alternative of moral neutrality should not be an option,” boasted David Cameron.

If someone had seen the copy of King James Bible put on disply by the Cambridge University in January 2011 – he will excuse David Cameron to be a typical Zionist Christian liar. The 1631 addition of the KJB, known as the Wicked-Bible, says: “Thou shalt commit adultry“, by omitting the word NOT by mistake!

The British philosopher, statesman and author, Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626), had proved that the KJB had long been corrupted. Watch video below.

Interestingly, depsite the often negative potrayal of Islam and Muslims by the pro-Israel Zionist Christians and Jews – thousands of Britons are adopting the religion every year. Conservative estimates say 4,000 Britons converts to Islam each year.

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