ADL: ‘Foreskin Man’ comic book is anti-Semitic

One of America’s major Jewish Israel lobby organization, Anti-Defamation League (ADL), has blasted ‘Foreskin Man’ comic book’s  circumcision images, depicting Mohel (a Jewish person trained in the practice of Brit milah or circumcision) as ‘monster’ looking.

The colorful series was created by the “intactivist” group as part of its campaign to ban circumcision through ballot initiatives.

Nancy J. Appel, ADL associate regional director has claimed that the comic book invokes the centuries-old western accusation of ‘Blood Libel’ that Jews kill Christian kids and use their blood for religious ritual. Interestingly, an Israeli Jewish professor Ariel Toaff (Bar-Ilan University) in his book Bloody Passover: Jews of Europe and Ritual Homicide (2007) has admitted that certain Jewish communities in Europe committed those crimes.

A proposal to ban the circumcision of male children in San Francisco has been cleared to appear on the November ballot, setting the stage for the nation’s first public vote on what has long been considered a private family matter. Supporters of the ban say male circumcision is a form of genital mutilation that is unnecessary, extremely painful and even dangerous. They say parents should not be able to force the decision on their young child.

However, many pediatricians and neonatologists claim that benefits of male circumcission outweigh the risks.

Jewish Bible, the Old Testament, commands circumcission (Genesis 17). The book of Genesis is one of the four books from Old Testament which make the Christian Bible, the New Testament. Holy Qur’an doesn’t mention male or female circumcission but it’s commanded for boys by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as a matter of cleanliness. However, there is no equivalent of Jewish Mohel in Islam. Circumcisions are usually carried out in a clinic or hospital. Even the circumciser is not required to be a Muslim but he must be medically trained. 

12 responses to “ADL: ‘Foreskin Man’ comic book is anti-Semitic

  1. “Holy Qur’an doesn’t mention male or female circumcission but it’s commanded for boys by the Prophet Muhammad, as a matter of cleanliness. However, there is no equivalent of Jewish Mohel in Islam. “…
    So what the heck is the difference, Rehmat? The brainless practice you are hanging on to, Muslim and/or Jew, is simply nothing less than a genital mutilation.

    • More and more non-religious people decide to do it nowadays and no one is missing the 1 minute sex with the stinky stick they used to have.

      • Well, argonium79, I bet that a guy walking around with an unwashed dick never had much sex in the first place, and removing the foreskin will not change his luck, as it doesn’t remove the the smell of old faeces from his hindquarters. :-O

    • The point is, people are happy with the result after doing it. You see people rather unhappy with piercings and tattoos after a while but these things are still called ‘cool shit’ for some reason.

  2. Do you believe that removal of cancerous tissue is also ‘human mutilation’? For your info. the human body parts harvesting is carried out by Jews, Christians and Atheists – not by Muslims.

  3. The point I’m making, Rhamat, is, that I see NO difference whether the foreskin it is removed in accordance with a command issued by your Prophet Muhammad or in accordance with some crap written in the Old Testament, at a time when water was scarce and daily personal hygiene was a problem. Circumcision today however, is simply nothing but an insentient act of religious genital mutilation, performed on small boys who are given no saying in the matter.

    (And, by the way, what the heck “removal of cancerous tissue” and “human body parts harvesting” has to do with the act of genital mutilation, that beats me! However, it does sound quite a bit like a “we-are-better-than-you” rant though… A tendency which you unfortunately reveal from time to time in an otherwise darn good blog. ;-))

  4. I notice that you have adopted the Zionist method of blocking replies which do not agree fully with your opinion, Rehmat… which is rather deplorable., but not unexpected. 😉

  5. Nyeth Brandulph – my moral principles are quite opposite to the ones practiced by Zionists and Atheists. For that, I have been banned for commenting over 50 so-called ‘Muslims, liberal, political, Jewish, Christian and free-speech’ websites.

    My policy always has been to allow everyone at least TWO chances to comment without spam by propaganda or idiotic crap. After that, I don’t ‘block’ but ban the Hasbara (propaganda) filth. And, you would agree that it did not happen to you so far.

    If you care to read ABOUT, you would understand why I spend hours of my time to keep this blog ‘informative’. Thanks for your participation, anyway.

  6. Propaganda, Rehmat, is the essence of all political activity, and your Blog is indeed a political activity. Information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause. ;.)
    As for moral principles; to imply that Atheists like me conform to a lower moral standard than Muslims… hmmm… that smells terribly of indulgency and lack of objectivity, Rehmat. 😉 And, by the way, my two time effort to reply to “argonium79 | June 6, 2011 at 5:02 pm” was indeed evidently “blocked” or “banned” (what the heck is the difference?) as “propaganda filth”. 😉
    Finally, Rehmat, may I, in total amazement and as an old Atheist; humbly ask for a clarification on the moral principles I have in common with the Zionists? … and which you are the opposite of?

  7. See here you go again Brandulph – ranting without reading ABOUT. Projecting the truth about Islam and Muslim history, shared not only over 1.7 billion Believers, but many Jewish, Christian, Hindu and atheist scholars – may be a ‘propaganda’ in your ‘state of mind’ – but for me it’s my ‘minor jihad’.

    I don’t want you to waste readers’ time on your non-productive comments on this topic. You’re welcome to comment on my other posts. You make take it a warning from Abraham Foxman, the ADL Guru.

  8. Well, Rehmat, your undisguised imperious attitude may indeed earn you a position as a “Muslim Foxman” some time in the future. 😉

    • I may consider to become your “Muslim Foxman”, if you can afford to pay me $215,000 per year – the salary of Abraham Foxman.

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