Nawab of India’s Cricket Dies

India’s famous cricket team captain Nawab (Tiger) Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi passed away in New Delhi on Thursday at age of 70. Watch a video below.

Pataudi became captain of Indian Cricket Team in 1962 when he was only 21-year-old. He played 46 test matches between 1961-1975 and was regarded as one of India’s greatest captains. He lead India in 40 test matches and had a successful career despite he had lost vision in his right eye in a car accident. He scored 2793 runs and made six centuries. Pataudi retired cricket in 1975.

Pataudi was ninth and the last Nawab of princely state of Pataudi (India) until 1971 when the Indian government abolished royal entitlements through the 26th Amendment to the Constitution.

Nawab Pataudi was buried in his hometown Pataudi next to his parents. Over 15,000 people including leaders from all political parties attended the funeral on Friday.

Nawab Pataudi’s uncle Lt.Gen. Sher Ali Khan of Pataudi optioned to join Pakistan Army in August 1947. He also served as Pakistan’s Minister of Information (1969-71) under military rule of Gen. Yahya Khan, during the time when India-Israel-US helped breakup of Pakistan and created Bangladesh. Nawab Pataudi’s two cousins lives in Pakistan – diplomat Shaharyar Ali Khan and former Chairman of Pakistan Cricket Board and Maj. Gen. Isfandiyar Ali Pataudi who was expected to take over Pakistan’s spy agency ISI a few months ago.

Nawab Pataudi is survived by his actress wife Sharmila Tagore, his son actor Saif Ali Khan, his daughters actress Soha Ali Khan and Saba Ali Khan who is a jewellery designer.

‘Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayi Raajioon (To Allah we belong and to Him is our return)‘.

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