An interview with Goldstone

South African Judge Richard Goldstone (a Zionist Jew) has become the second most popular figure (after Dr. Ahmadinejad), since the publication of UN Human Right Commission Report, usually referred as the “Goldstone Report” – acussing both the occupying State of Israel and Islamic Resistant group Hamas – but mostly the State of Israel – for committing crimes against humainty during the Dec-Jan 2009 Gazzah invasion by Israel. Against all the anti-report and Goldstone’s character assassination by the Zionist thugs – Laat week the UN Human Right Council approved Goldstone report by a majority vote (the US voted against, as expected) and sent it to the UN Security Council for the appropriate action.

Now, the Jewish Lobby is blackmailing the Congress to condemn the findings of Goldstone report concerning Israeli atrocities during its schedule debate on October 3. One of the four member-panel of the UN report, retired Col. Desmond Travers (Irish Army) in an interview with the Harpers magazine (October 29, 2009) confirmed that Hamas did not use civilians as hostages as claimed by Israel. When asked that Israeli claim that its forces (IOF) are the “most moral army in the world” – Col Travers replied: “Given the tactics, the weapon used, and the indiscriminate targeting, I think this is a dubious claim.”

Last week, Bill Moyers interviewd Richard Goldstone (a video clip at the end of this post). Below are some pertinent excerpts from that interview:

Moyers: “Your report, as you know, basically accuses Israel waging war on the entire population of Gaza (1,5 million).”

Goldstone: “That’s correct.”

Moyers: “I mean, there are allegations in here, some very tough allegations of Israeli soldiers shooting unarmed civilians who pose no threat, of shooting people whose hands were shackled behind them, of shooting two teenagers who’d been ordered off a tractor that they were driving, apparently carrying wounded civilians to a hospital, of homes, hundreds, maybe thousands of homes destroyed, left in rubble, of hospitals bombed. I mean there are some questions about one or two of your examples here, but it’s a damning indictment of Israel’s conduct in Gaza, right? ”

Gladstone: ” Well, it is outrageous, and there should have been an outrage. You know, the response has not been to deal with the substance of those allegations. I’ve really seen or read no detailed response in respect of the incidents on which we report. ”

Moyers: ” Why is that? ”

Gladstone: “Well, you know, I don’t know. I suppose people hate being attacked. There’s a knee-jerk reaction to attack the messenger rather than the message. And I think this is typical of that. And of course, a lot of the allegations, I certainly don’t claim anything like infallibility. But I would like to see a response to the substance, particularly the attack on the infrastructure of Gaza, which seems to me to be absolutely unjustifiable.”

Justice Richard Goldstone though agreed with the findings of his three co-investigators; professor Christine Chinkin (London School of Economics), Hina Jilani, a Human Right advocate from Pakistan and Colonel Desmond Travers (Irish Armed Force) – but, as Zionist Jew, he told Moyers that he supports the Israelis (foreign Jew settlers) to defend themselves against the rocket attacks from the Natives on whose land State of Israel is established. In this regard, the Jewish historian, John Kaminski, is more honest. He wrote: “When you read the history of Israel from objective sources, you discover that it is an outlaw state, created by the powers that be by stealing the land from its original inhabitants, and systematically exterminating them ever since.”

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