“God’s House”: Muslims saved Jews from Nazis

To me Islam is poetry. is science, is to be with the Divine. Islam is beauty,” – Norman Gershman, founder of “BESA, a code of honor” project.

I am a Jew of Islam because Judaism under the rule of the Crescent took a different course than that under the rule of the Cross. The Jews of Islam, although decreed by the Pact of Omar as dhimmis or second-class citizen, never experienced the same level of hatred, anti-Semitism or persecution, which were their daily bread in Christendom. They were not demonized as god’s (Jesus) killers and did not have to defend their religion in public deputations. They were not expelled en-masse on religious grounds from a Muslim country as they were from England, France and Catholic Spain,” Rabbi Haim Ovadia, Kahal Joseph Congregation in Los Angeles, California, January, 2008.

Islam is an act of God’s Mercy upon Jews,” Shelomo Dov Goitein (1900-1985), a German Jewish historian in his book ‘Jews and Arabs’.

“God’s House”, is a film by American Jewish photographer, Norman H. Gershman that shows Muslim tolerance towards Jews during the time when 150,000 Jews served in Nazi Army and the leaders of the World Zionist movement refused to help the European Jews being persecuted by the Nazis. Gershman chronicles the stories of Muslims, especially in Albania, who saved the lives of the Jews during WW II. Albania, Muslim country with a population of 3.6 million gave refuge to and hid 2,000 foreign European Jews. “These Muslim people in this small little country did something miraculous,” Gershman says in the film.Fritzi Weitzman 85 – then 13-year-old, was one of the Austrian Jews saved by the Muslims.

The film (watch two videos below) is a behind-the-scenes look at how Gershman tracked down the heroic Albanians, the rescued Jews and their progeny for his book, “Besa: Muslims Who Saved Jews in WW II”. Fritzi was thrilled that she had finally been able to share with the world the story of how a Muslim man faced up to anti-Semitism and saved the lives of her and her entire family. “For 70 years I’ve been trying to tell the world what King Zog did,” she said.

However, it’s not an isolated case. According to Stanford J. Shaw, on the orders of Turkey’s president Ismet Inonu (a Crypto-Jew), Turkish ambassdors in Germany and France issued vissas to 100,000 European Jews to escape Nazi regime. In the past, Muslim armies liberated Jewish communities living under Church’s yoke in Jerusalem (638 CE), Spain (711 CE) and Greece (1450 CE). It was Sultan Slahuddin who after giving a crushing defeat to the Crusaders occupying Palestine in 1186 CE – allowed the Jews to resettle in Jerusalem after nine decades. On June 10, 2005 – The Israeli mole, Abraham Foxman, national director of Anti-Defamation League (ADL) presented organization’s highest award, Courage to Care Award, to Turkish prime minister Recep Tattip Erdogan in appreciation of its diplomates for saving the Jews under Nazi regime. While accepting the award at ADL headquarters in New York, Erdogan assured the ‘Islamophobe’ Jewish leaders that there is no anti-Semitism in Muslim-majority (99.7%) Turkey. ADL was taken to task for accepting the Muslim tolerance by Muslim-hating Daniel Pipes and his fellow Zionist creeps. Interestingly, since Erdogan has called Ahmadinejad “a good friend” – Foxman has been complaining about persecution of Jewish minority (26,000) in Turkey.

Karen Armstrong recollected Muslim tolerance towards non-Muslims especially the Jews during Islam’s second Caliph Omar’s entery to Jerusalem without a war. Not only that Omar refused to pray inside the city’s main church – he also sent some of his senior officers to locate the ruin of the second Temple of Mount. To his great surprise, the ruin were used as city garbage dump by the Christian authorities. He helped his soldiers to clean the site and later handed it over to Jerusalem’s Chief Rabbi at no cost. For this great generosity, the Chief Rabbi declared Omar as the “Promised Messiah”.

The British Crown Prince Charles in “Islam and the West“, wrote: “Islam was a religion of remarkable tolerance for its time, allowing Jews and Christians the right to practice their inherited beliefs, and setting an example which was not, unfortunately, copied for many centuries in the West. The surprise, ladies and gentlemen, is the extent to which Islam has been part of Europe so long.

2 responses to ““God’s House”: Muslims saved Jews from Nazis

  1. Hi

    I think this article is fantastic and is due credit. When the Jews were being persecuted in Spain by the crusaders the Ottoman Empire ruler opened the gates for them.

    Muslims should be proud of this fact, and if true Muslims ever once again exist, they will no doubt help them again or any other nation.

  2. After reading “BESA” I see Islam in a different light. Some Muslim friends in
    San Angelo, TX where I live, introduced me to this excellent work.
    I am thinking of showing it to our community. We have a small com. of Muslims.
    Do you have any suggestions as to how I could show this? Our town
    is rather tolerant, although we have our share of hatemongers..

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