Rabbi for ‘ground zero’ Cordoba House

Rabbi Arthur Washkow of the Philadelphia-based Shalom Center joined about 30 other religious leaders and Jewish activists Thursday at the location where the Cordoba Initiative hopes to build an Islamic center that will include a mosque, an atheletic center, a school and art studios. Rabbi told the people that the mosque will help people to understand Islam beyond the current Islamophobe narrative.

Rabbi Washkow blasted Abraham Foxman, national director Anti-Defamation League – the pro-Israel Zionist organization’s campaign against the proposed mosque and Islamic Center. Abe Foxman was quoted as saying: “The Cordoba Initiative, has the legal right to build at the site. But ultimately this is not a question of rights, but a question of what is right. In our judgment, building an Islamic center in the shadow of the World Trade Center will cause some victims more pain – unnecessarily – and that is not right.” ADL, which pretends to be an advocate of civil rights – is asically an Israeli PR front. It ran an advertisement in NYT on June 14, 2010 claiming the the Turkish charity IHH behind the Free Gaza flotilla is a supporter of Hamas “terrorist group”. I bet Abe doesn’t want the public to know that it were Israelis and not Muslims behind the 9/11.

Soho Properties, a real estate developer bought the ‘Park51’ (aka Cordoba House) site for five million dollars. The plan to build the proposed mosque and the Muslim community center was approved by the New York City Community Board by 29-1 vote. Later, it received the blessing from the NY Mayor Michael Bloomingberg (a Jew), who said: “With or without landmark designation, there is nothing in the law that would prevent the owners from opening a mosque within the existing building. The simple fact is this building is private property, and the owners have the right to use the building as house of worship”.

The pro-Israel Zionist fronts such as ‘Stop Islamization of American’ including ‘Israel-First’ politicians like Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich and Dick Cheney’s daughter Liz Cheney are leading the anti-mosque crusade. A slide show of these rogues can be seen here.

The 13-storey, US$100 million project has brought out the true racist nature of the pro-Israel individuals and lobby groups.

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