Dershowitz: ‘Jews are not welcomed in Norway’

Norway is well-known for its anti-Muslim bigotry. Last month, PST (Norwegian Security Service) chief Janne Kristiansen named a new anti-Islamic organization, the Norwegian Defence League (NDL) as threat to country’s internal security.

The Israeli ‘Gladiator’, Professor Alan Dershowitz (Harvard Law School), has claimed in his column at The Wall Street Journal (March 29, 2011), entitled ‘Norway to Jews: You’re Not Welcome Here’ – that it’s the State of Israel the Norwegian hate the most. Why? Because, the Dean of the Law Faculty at Bergen University told Dershowitz that he would be honoured to have him present a lecture on the O.J. Simpson case  – as long as he was willing to promise not to mention Israel. An administrator at the Trondheim school told Dershowitz that Israel was too ‘controversial’ to talk at Campus.

“It was then that I realized why all this happened. At all of the Norwegian universities, there have been efforts to enact academic and cultural boycotts of Jewish Israeli academics,” wrote Alan Dershowitz, who himself is not an Israeli citizen but an American Jew.

Alan Dershowitz called Norwegian associate professor Trond Andresen (Trondheim) ‘anti-Semite’ for criticizing the Zionist entity: “It seems to me that a fair position (bashing Muslims) is that similar debate about Jews as a cultural group should also be allowed. My observations are that many have a tribalistic outlook and an attitude that they as a people are more worthy than, for instance, Palestinians. To some degree this seems to be rooted in religious tradition, and to some degree these are flames that are deliberately fanned today by the most fervent Israeli and other chauvinists”. However, Trond Andresen, made a ‘political wrong’ statement – by mentioning two ‘self-hating Jews’, late Professor Israel Shahak and Gilad Atzmon, having similar views as his.

Alan Dershowitz along with Daniel Pipes lectured during the notorious ‘Islamo-
Facism Week’, sponsored by David Horowitz Freedom Center at 100 University Campuses. The theme of the lectures was “to attack the culture of stigma that demonizes the state of Israel – the only bastion of democracy (sic) in the autocratic Middle East”.

Interestingly, Norway’s socialist party, Sosialistisk Venstreparti (SV), a junior partner in Norwegian Government, is in favor of military action against Israel (similar to Libya) if it decide to act against Hamas in Gaza.

According to national census, 11% of Norwegian are first, second or third generation immigrants, mostly from European countries including 120,000 Muslims and 7,000 Jews. Dershowitz may not know that Norwegian Jews are even represented in US Senate. Last year, Senator Sam Brownback, who heads up the U.S. Congressional Caucus on Norway, had lodged protest with Norway’s Ambassador to the United States, Wegger Stromen,  over increasing reports of anti-Semitism in Norway often linked to Israeli activities in the Middle East. The Israel-Firster also accused country’s Deputy Environment Minister Ingrid Fiskaa for saying: “I dream about the United Nations sending rockets against Israel”.

Some of the anti-Semitic slurs Dershowitz forgot to mention include – former Norwegian Prime Minister, Kåre Willoch, responded that anti-Semitism is “a traditional deflection tactic aimed at diverting attention from the real problem, which is Israel’s well-documented and incontestable abuse of Palestinians”. And one Norwegian newspaper cartoon showed an ultra-Orthodox Jew engraving “thou shall murder” into an alternative Decalogue. Another cartoon showed Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert dressed up as a guard at a death camp, smiling and holding a rifle.

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