ADL: ‘Argentinians hate Jews’

A study by the Gino Germani Research Institute at Buenos Aires University conducted on behalf of powerful Zionist-Jewish lobby group, Anti-Defamation League (ADL), released last week, says that majority of 1510 Argentinian (out of country’s total population of 41 million) who participated in the survey, believe the Jews’ first concern is making money and second they’re more loyal to Israel than Argentina.

Jewish population in Argentina is estimated between 250,000 to 300,000. Jewish Golden Age was during country’s Arab President Calos Saul Menem who visited Israel several times and offered his services to mediate peace between the European Jews and the native Palestinian Muslims and Christians. Menem also appointed several Jews in his government. The Zionist Adolf Eichmann also took refuge in Argentina from where he was abducted by Mossad agents in 1960.

In July 1994, Israeli agents bombed Jewish Community Center (AMIA) for which they blamed Lebanese Hizbullah and Islamic Republic. Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez de Kichner has offended the Jewish groups by accepting Iranian proposal of constructive dialogues on this incident.

Last week, allegedly, Mossad struck Buenos Aires’ radio tower housing three FM stations. The tower just collapsed like WTC-7 building without any reason. The tower was located on an area belonging to Argentina’s Security Ministry. A local TV news channel, that is also the owner of two of those FM stations, broadcasted a video where two allegedly Israeli citizens were identified holding a cell phone conversation in Hebrew and talking about a clandestine antenna, which they refer to as “our antenna”. While these two men were allowed into the national government’s facilities, the images show how an official vehicle of the government of Buenos Aires was turned back because the place had been sealed off.

Dr. Adrian Salbuchi, an Argentinian writer, author and radio talkshow host, in an inerview with Press TV has claimed that Israeli Mossad agents work freely in Argentina. He also said that any criticism of Israel is immediately labeled as ‘anti-Semite’.

Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of Tikkum magazine, wrote in 2007 under heading “There is No New Anti-Semitism”:

“The chrages of anti-Semitism that has consistently been launched against anyone who criticizes Israeli policy is now launched against the one American leader (Jimmy Carter) who managed to create a lasting peace between Israel and a major Arab state (Egypt). Instead of seriously engaging with the issues (Israel being an apartheid state like former South Africa under White rule) raised, the Jewish establishment and media responded by attacking the people who raise these or other critiques – shifting the discourse to the legitimacy of the messenger and thus avoiding the substance of the criticism……

Yet there is nothing “new” about this alleged anti-Semitism that these mainstream Jewish voices seek to reveal. From the moment I started Tikkum magazine twenty years ago as “the liberal alternative to Commentary and the voices of Jewish conservatism and spiritual deadness in the organized Jewish community” our magazine has been attacked in much of the organized Jewish community as “self-hating Jews”. The reason? We believe that Israeli policy toward Palestinians, manifested most dramatically in the Occupation of the West Bank for what will soon be forty years and in the refusal of Israel to take any moral responsibility for its part in the creation of Arab refugee problem, is immoral, irrational, self destructive, a violation of the highest values of the Jewish people and a serious impediment to world peace….”

3 responses to “ADL: ‘Argentinians hate Jews’

  1. Do you have a source for the radio tower demolition?

  2. Did you CLICK ON the Press TV?

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