Jundallah – Iran’s new film

Iran’s Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance and the Soureh Cinema Institute have announced to make a feature film on the terrorist group Jundallah after its ringleader Abdolmalek Rigi was captured by Iranian security forces on February 23 while on board a Kyrgyztan Airways flight QH454, from Dubai to Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan). His plane was forced to land on Iranian territory by two Iranian jet bombers. The movie shooting is scheduled to go in production after Iranian New Year (Nauroze) begining March 21. The film is to show how America, Zionist entity, Britain and other regional regimes which are supporting Jundallah terrorist group to destablize Islamic regime in Iran.

In a televised confession on Press TV, Rigi said that in Dubai – he was promised unlimited Washington’s military support and bases in Iran’s bordering countries to wage terrorist attack against Islamic Iran as the Obama administration doesn’t believe in the success of a military action to bring in a pro-US regime-change in Tehran. The Sunday Telegraph in 2007 reported that CIA was providing funding and arms to Jundallah terrorist group to destablize both Iran and Pakistan.

Last October, Jundallah (Soldiers of Allah) claimed responsiblity for the Mossad-style suicide bombing attack in Pisheen killing 40 Iranian including 15 senior officials of Revolutionary Guards, the part of Iran’s Army declared as a terrorist group by Washington. Jundallah also took the responsiblity for the bombing of a bus carrying IRGC soldiers in February 2007, killing eleven soldiers. The group has carried several other terrorist attacks on security and police stations. CIA and Jewish drug-mafia is unhappy with Tehran which is using iron-fist against the heroin smugglers entering Iran from neighboring Afghanistan. Since 1980s, over 3,000 Iranian policemen have been killed by the drug smugglers. Jundallah has also acted as a proxy during street protests against the re-election of Dr. Ahmadinejad for his second term with a huge majority over his main opponent Moussavi, who was supported by the and the other ZOGs in the West.

Pakistan’s former C-in-C, Gen. Aslam Beg also confirmed in July 2008 that the US has been funding and training Jundallah and MEK terrorist groups since 2003 in its effort to destablize Islamic Iran.

In an interview with National Public Radio on June 30, 2008, America’s most-trusted investigating reporter, Seymour Hersh (a Jew), explained how the Bush administration’s policy of “my enemy’s enemy is my friend” led the U.S. to support Jundallah and the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization, or MEK, an Iranian exile group listed as a terrorist organization by the State Department, both of which have clear records of terrorist activities

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