Beirut Marine bombing was Mossad False Flag Operation

“I reported that Marine had been sent there to become the focus of a major incident. The Mossad is to arrange for a number of our Marines to be killed in an incident that will be blamed on Arabs! This will be used to inflame American public opinion to help us lead into war including ultimately nuclear war,” – Dr. Beter, a Pentagon analyst, November 3, 1982.

Next month many US Marines will be commemorating the 26th anniversary of the murders of their 241 fellow Marines who fell victim to Israeli false flage operation – just like Israeli attack on USS Liberty to make Muslims and Arabs look as enemies of Americans.

On October 23, 1983 – at 6:20 a.m. – A truck packed with explosives slammed into US Marine barracks at Beirut International Airport – killing 241 Marines, mostly asleep. A few minutes later, a similar explosion blew up a French military barracks – killing 56 French soldiers. Israeli Mossad acknowledged that it had prior information on these terrorist activities – but its chief Nahum Admony (former member of Haganah Jewish terrorist militia. In September 2006, he also chaired the investigation committee to find out the reasons behind Israeli military humiliation at the hands of Hizbollah in 34-day war) decided not to warn Israel’s ally in details: “No. We are not going to protect the Americans. They’re a big country. Send only the regular information.” Israel took a similar position on September 11, 2001 attack on WTC and the Pentagon – while asking prime minister Ariel Sharon to cancel his schedule travel to Washington.

Israel and its western bandwagon riders – blamed Hizbollah leader Sheikh Fadlallah, Tehran and Damascus to protect the Zionist thugs. They repeated similar lies concerning the assassination of former Lebanese prime minister, Rafiq Hariri, died as the result of Mossad car bombing.

On March 15, 1978 – Zionist entity invaded Lebanon. As result of UN Resolution – Israel Occupation Force (IOF) were replaced by UNIFIL peacekeepers in June 1978. On June 6, 1982 – under the orders of Israeli Defence Minister Ariel Sharon, IOF invaded Lebanon again – holding the entire civilian population of Beirut and Palestinian refugee camps under siege. In august 1982, Yasser Arafat, agreed to shift PLO headquarter from Lebanon for Tunis. President Reagan sent 800 Marines to help evacuate 14,000 Palestinian refugees. Soon after the Marines left Beirut – Ariel Sharon unleashed his Christian Maronite militants of Phalange Party, who were armed and trained by IOF under the orders of Israeli prime minister Rabin, who reportedly invested US$150 million during Lebanese Civil War (1975-76). The Christian militants murdered 5,000 of civilian men, women and children in cold-blood in Sabra and Shatila refugee camps. Reagan, under pressure from the Jewish Lobby, despatched 1800 Marines to Beirut to look after Israeli interests after the withdrawal of IOF forces from the city.

Israeli butchery resulted in the formation of Islamic Resistance group Hizb’Allah in 1982 – as a major provider of social services, operating schools, hospitals and agricultural services to tens of thousands of Lebanese in the South. Hizb’Allah’s military resistance wing finally achieved its first major victory on the international canvass when it forced IOF to abandon most part of Israeli occupied Southern Lebanon in 2000. In Summer 2006, Hizb’Allah inflicted a serious dent in IOF’s “invinciblity” myth and became a hero in the Arab world.

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